Here are just some of our Frequently Asked Questions. Please contact us if your question is not answered here.

Can I join if I am dating?

Yes! we are not a nuns and this is not a convent! This is about women who have or understand what it is to have a single household income. If your relationship develops and you don’t feel like you fit the Single Mum bill you can move to a ‘friend of the SMBN’ I will continue to run the SMBN regardless of my relationship status!

What does it cost to join the SMBN?

Membership is £2.50 per week or £10 per month. You can choose to pay via DD weekly or monthly. Membership is good til cancelled.

Where are you located?

Head office is in Monmouthshire on the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire borders but meetings are national. Please see our events page

How does it work? What is the SMBN about?

The SMBN is about affordable exposure. Members collaborate by paying the nominal fee and then benefit from exposure via magazines, media and PR association and SEO optimisation via the SMBN website. It’s also about monthly business meetings and raising awareness of barriers to work, homes and finance whilst aiming to reduce stigma and push for equality of opportunities despite barriers.

Is the SMBN a Charity?

The SMBN has always operated as a Social Enterprise. Initially via KIH Products and then converted to a formal CIC. Members benefit from increased business exposure whilst knowing that their membership fees not only support them but their wider community, helping women survive and thrive despite barriers.

Ignorant Comments…

‘You need to win the lottery or find a rich man’

‘Isn’t a single mum in business just trying to earn a little pocket money and evade tax?’

The answer to both is NO. If we meet somebody it will be as authentic as it ever was and not a financial transaction, and we are serious about growing our business to enable us financial stability and independence and we take as much care as any other business with accounting and legislation. We do not want ‘taking on’ or ‘saving’ and we are not ‘lucky if a man shows interest’.

We are not running a side hustle, this is work, please check the definition of hustle here We have a legitimate product or service and declare to HMRC as any other business would.

Married and looking for some fun?

You’re in the wrong place, go and look after your wife.

I feel like a single mum my husband is always at work..

You’re not a single mum, as much as we appreciate it can be lonely in a relationship you are a single mum if two parents have two households to manage and pay for, therefore reducing disposable income for business PR.

You are a single mum if your husband never takes a break with you, never takes the rubbish out, never contributes to your rent or mortgage, is never there Christmas morning, you never get a lay in because it’s his turn, you can never pop to the shop or gym or go for a run at night because you are home alone with dependents, and so on and so forth.

But if your complaint is that your husband is working so hard to provide whilst doing his best to cuddle you at night and enable you to enjoy parenting without worrying about how to survive, you are not a single mum.

We are hard working women, and all we need is exposure for our business until society gets that salary v outgoings & childcare must work for all single income families, and all families full stop.